Between age twenty and Twenty five, every girl is practically on top of the world. Young and glamorous, not a single care in the world. Numerous suitors are at your beck and call, one is spoilt for choice.  However, what most young ladies fail to realize is the fact that youth is a fast burning... Continue Reading →

OF Money and the Expenditure Cycle in Campus

Campuses countrywide are about to re-open for their various academic years. Continuing students are excited for one reason; HELB. The loan, courtesy of the Higher Education Loans Board, usually drops into students’ accounts a week or two before the onset of a new semester.  The money is supposed to cater for the upkeep and school... Continue Reading →

Campus Life

University education is the highlight of an individual’s academic life. Gaining entry into one of the public universities in Kenya is no mean task as one faces cut throat competition from thousands of other eligible students. The high cost of higher education in these institutions makes high school students spend sleepless nights studying for their... Continue Reading →

Social Media: A Double Edged Sword

Social media has made its mark in this generation and it is here to stay, whether we all like it or not. Its critics and supporters passionately argue for or against it in equal measure. Parents are among the key opponents of social media, claiming that their children are spending most of their time seated... Continue Reading →

Of Women and Beauty

Beauty is highly valued by the human race, be it in reference to the landscape or the environment at large.  Every person appreciates a beautiful sight, something that they would wish to continue gazing at even after the first glance. Hence, the reason as to why human beings invest so much on their  outward appearances... Continue Reading →

Woman:Know Your Worth

Where three or more women are gathered, the most probable topic of discussion is the men in their lives. They would often be airing their grievances on how they were not being treated how they should be by their other halves. ‘Chamas’ were created purposely for this reason; financial empowerment is just a side effect... Continue Reading →

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